Definition of Shooting gallery

1. Noun. A building (usually abandoned) where drug addicts buy and use heroin.

Generic synonyms: Building, Edifice
Language type: Colloquialism

2. Noun. An enclosed firing range with targets for rifle or handgun practice.
Exact synonyms: Shooting Range
Generic synonyms: Firing Range, Target Range

Definition of Shooting gallery

1. Noun. A carnival game typically featuring a pellet gun and numerous moving mechanical tracks with small targets to be shot for prizes. ¹

2. Noun. (figuratively sports) Any game or match with lots of shooting (e.g. at a goal) ¹

3. Noun. A room where heroin users shoot heroin. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Shooting Gallery

shooting box
shooting brake
shooting circle
shooting circles
shooting galleries
shooting gallery
shooting guard
shooting guards
shooting iron
shooting lodge
shooting one's load
shooting preserve
shooting preserves
shooting range
shooting ranges
shooting rights
shooting script
shooting spree
shooting sprees
shooting star

Literary usage of Shooting gallery

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Short Plays from Dickens for the Use of Amateur and School Dramatic Societies by Horace Baker Browne, Charles Dickens (1908)
"GEORGE'S shooting gallery (FROM Bleak House) CHARACTERS. MR. ... The living-room at "George's shooting gallery " in the neighbourhood of Leicester Square. ..."

2. The Modern Factory: Safety, Sanitation and Welfare by George Moses Price (1914)
"shooting gallery (to left) and Bowling Alleys in Clubhouse for Employes. by an athletic association and seventy-five per cent ..."

3. Doing My Bit for Ireland by Margaret Skinnider (1917)
"These things the Fianna boys told me on our way to the shooting-gallery where they wanted to see the Glasgow "boy" shoot. I hit the bull's-eye oftener than ..."

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